Not only assisting investors in setting up businesses, InvestConsult always accompanies investors and corporates throughout their operation process. InvestConsult’s legal consultancy service assists corporates promptly and timely in accordance with the legal corridor and synchronizes with their decisions in daily production and business activities. We have been successful in supporting the establishment of domestic and foreign corporates as well as their business operation such as Yusenair, Noble, Dehaco,Skylake etc.
Our service scope provides professional legal consultancy services including:
- Establish corporates, adjust business registration content, convert the type of corporate;
- Update and analyze new legal regulations, and/or amend, supplement regulations related to business operation;
- Corporate governance and internal control of business operation;
- Legal issues arising frequently during the business operation on labor, internal management, tax, purchase, and sale of goods and services, etc;
- Check, review and assess the legal compliance of all corporate documents as client’s requirements;
- Apply for preferential regimes and policies (credit, tax, land, business lines, etc) in accordance with Vietnamese laws for corporates during the business operation process;
- Operation suspension, liquidation, and bankruptcy of corporates.